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At one point, every business owner will find herself in a troubling situation. Revenue is down. New clients are scarce. Profits are falling, and a peek at the financials is enough to bring on a full-fledged anxiety attack. Unless you’re Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, chances are you’ve experienced that sinking feeling of a business […]

Fear-Based Decisions Are Bad for Business

It’s a rare business owner who—at some point—doesn’t feel stuck. Either you begin to experience burnout, or you aren’t reaching your goals and can’t seem to get past the income plateau you’ve found yourself on. It’s a normal part of being in business, but staying there isn’t. Successful small business owners figure out how to […]

What’s Really Holding You Back?


Poor money management has been the cause of more business failures than any other single issue. And it’s no wonder. We aren’t born knowing how to manage money. Most of us aren’t taught how to handle it either. We figure it out along the way, through much trial and error. Those same mindset issues and […]

3 Money Mistakes that Keep Your Business Broke

I admit it. I’m in love with my vision board. It’s a beautiful, colorful daydream brought to life, and when I’m working on it, I get lost in my dreams and time slips away. But don’t make the mistake of thinking whiling away an afternoon with my vision board is unproductive. Quite the contrary, spending […]

The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have In Your Office


Think all a farmer has to do is wait until fall to harvest truckloads of delicious tomatoes or corn or squash? Think again! That farmer has worked hard all year long to prepare for that week or two of reward. He prepared the ground following last year’s harvest. He planted seeds in the spring. He […]

Need More Clients? Think Like a Farmer

Every human being encounters a level of stress on a daily basis but the magnitude of stress and how you handle it is what differentiates the successes from the burnouts. And stress is not exclusive to any one group of people. Business owners, high school and college students, new mothers all experience different levels of […]

Is Business Stress Ruining Your Life?


Productivity and efficiency are the popular buzz words lately as more and more business owners try to make the most of their time during a busy day. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot do everything yourself when it comes to running your business. Investing in your business not only decreases stress but it makes your […]

Implement These 3 Productivity Hacks Today

Do you work in organized chaos? You know, having piles of paper on your desk or in your office space that to the naked eye looks messy yet you know where everything is located? Even if your office and desk are neat, can you say the same thing about your computer files or does it take […]

3 Ways to Clear the Clutter for Improved Productivity


Ah, social media. It’s everybody’s favorite way to interact with others around the world and to market their products and services. Some people reach the elevated status of Social Media Darling while others are posting day in and day out without any nibbles whatsoever. What’s the difference between the Darling and the Wannabe? Most importantly, the differences […]

Is Your Social Media Plan Working For You?

Picture yourself in a perfect world, in your perfect office, running your perfect business. What’s your role? Do you have team members or are you still doing everything by yourself? How much money are you making? Do you have products? Do your clients rave about you? Yes, our perfect worlds are goals certainly worth aiming […]

3 Magical Words that will Alleviate Business Stress


Just because you’re in the coaching industry, don’t think you would never have a need for a coach of your own. Seems like a funny thing to think about but even the best coaches could use some help streamlining their businesses or having an objective third party to talk to about personal or family matters. […]

When Do Coaches Need Coaches?