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I’m really not sure who coined this phrase but I’ve heard it multiple times over the years, across multiple different industries, and it holds significant truth. WHY did you start your business? WHY do you want to be a coach? WHY do you get up every single day and work? Everyone should have a WHY […]

If Your WHY Doesn’t Make You Cry, It’s Not Big Enough

Nous avons toutes vu ces pages de vente à l’ancienne, remplies de surlignages jaunes, de texte rouge criard et de nombreux boutons “ACHETER MAINTENANT”, et lorsque nous pensons aux techniques de copywriting, c’est souvent ce qui nous vient à l’esprit. Si ce style de page de vente peut être efficace, ce n’est pas le seul […]

L’art de la vente “douce” : comment obtenir le clic d’achat sans (vraiment) le demander


Connaissez-vous bien vos clients potentiels ? Il est probable que vous ayez développé au moins un avatar simple de votre cliente. Vous connaissez son business, son âge, ses revenus et son niveau d’éducation. Vous savez où elle vit, combien d’enfants elle a et quels sont ses plus grands rêves. Mais savez-vous vraiment ce qui la […]

Points de douleur : Ce que vous devez savoir sur vos clients potentiels

People are naturally drawn to stories. Audiences spend millions of dollars in the movie theaters, engrossed in a good storyline. Millions of novels are sold to those who want to jump into a fantasy world in an effort to follow an exceptional plot. The popular “This Is Us” television show has sky high ratings every […]

7 Tips for Crafting Your Story


Il s’agit d’un indicateur que je surveille constamment et que j’essaie toujours d’améliorer : le taux d’ouverture de mes emails et Il y a une bonne raison à cela. Si vos abonnés n’ouvrent pas votre email, ils ne peuvent pas lire votre message : Votre tout nouveau programme coaching Votre dernière découverte en matière d’outils […]

Les titres d’emails qui augmentent vos taux d’ouverture

S’il y a une chose qui déroute et frustre les nouveaux copywriters (et même les plus expérimentés), ce sont les caractéristiques et les avantages pas toujours évidents. CARACTÉRISTIQUES Nous voulons partager toutes les bonnes choses de notre nouveau programme coaching , alors nous disons des choses comme.. : Formation en autonomie de 6 semaines Comprend […]

Copywriting 101 : Caractéristiques et avantages (et comment faire la différence)


We’ve all seen those old-style sales pages filled with yellow highlights and screaming red text and lots of “BUY NOW” buttons, and when we think of copywriting, that’s often what comes to mind. While that style of sales page can be effective, it’s not the only way to make sales. In fact, by taking a […]

The Art of the Soft Sell: How to Get the Click Without (Really) Asking for It

If there’s one thing that confuses and frustrates new (and even seasoned) copywriters it’s the not-always-obvious features and benefits. We want to share all the great things about our new coaching program, so we say things like: • 6-week self-study course • Includes workbooks and live training • Members’ only discounts While these are all good points, they’re […]

Copywriting 101: Features vs. Benefits (And How to Know the Difference)


Journaling is an effective way to document your hopes and dreams for your business and your personal life but so many people cringe at the idea of putting their thoughts down on paper. Some equate all journaling with keeping a diary and they don’t want to revert back to their 10-year-old self. Others worry about keeping a […]

Get Creative with Your Journaling!

Think about all the emails and sales pages you’ve seen just in this last week, touting a new class, product, or service. Very often marketers will highlight the features and benefits of their latest creation but then fall short because they didn’t include a story. The art of storytelling in business can be crucial to […]

Turn Your Story into Leads and Potential Customers


Authenticity is a buzzword that you may get sick of hearing yet it’s a really strong concept wrapped into one single word. That one word describes the level of honesty and truthfulness associated with a brand or a business. If one is truly authentic, their true personality will shine through their marketing materials; their business […]

Authenticity Check: Are You Delivering What You Promise or Just Pretending To?